De Beauvoir Estate - Non-Residential Space Strategy

Architecture00, in collaboration with partners PBA and Aspinall Verdi, were commissioned by Hackney Council to produce a Non-Residential Space Strategy for the two phased development on the De Beauvoir Estate. 

The Strategy was based on the principles of a 15-minutes neighbourhood and mapped and analysed socio-economic provision within that radius and suggested uses and users which complement existing provision or respond to any shortages. It also included commercial analysis to assess rental values while outlining the additional social value that can be generated by target occupiers. We engaged with local businesses and organisations to understand their spatial, operational and logistical requirements, and uncovered the potential for capacity building regarding social returns. 

This resulted in a phasing strategy for the decant and development of the estate as well as a report outlining desk-based research, engagement feedback and development strategy. 

Location of project: De Beauvoir Estate - Hackney

Client:  London Borough of Hackney

Programme: 2020

Commercial analysis
Lease model and delivery guidance
Business and local organisation Engagement

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