Poppy Factory

COMPETITION SHORTLIST FOR A functioning factory operation and visually exciting environment for visitors that enables the charity to better showcase its life-changing work

A vision for a campus: an open and accessible environment that invites a dynamic community of employers, employees, other organisations, and visitors to share an interest in the values and mission of The Poppy Factory. It is a place that is rooted in The Poppy Factory’s past, but looks to their future - and we hope would support The Poppy Factory as the employability provider for wounded, injured and sick former service men and women, offering support, training, and work opportunities that continue to transform lives.

The Poppy Factory welcomes around 10,000 visitors to its site each year and competitors had to take into account a functioning factory operation whilst developing a visually exciting environment for visitors that enables the charity to better showcase its life-changing work.

Client: The Poppy Factory

Location of project: Richmond, London

Budget: £5m

Architecture 00
SEED Landscape

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